Elections 2024

Why be a Part of the KCSOC Team?

KCSOC is unlike any other society at university. Feeding our spiritual needs and (bellies!) and taking people on a journey of self-realisation is a big part of the KCSOC mission.

By being a part of the team, you'll gain a deeper sense of who you are along with other like-minded people. It will be a chance to make a difference by bringing the philosophy of KC into their lives. We can't wait for you to be part of this amazing family!

Application Process

  1. Have a look at the roles, choose up to 2 positions, and apply below.
  2. On the 7th of March, we will hold elections instead of the usual Thursday talk. You will have an opportunity to give a short 2 minute presentation. We're looking for you to discuss:

    • Why you became a part of KCSOC
    • Why you have applied to the role
    • What are you looking to gain from being part of the team
    • Anything else you want to add

We'll also ask you a couple questions after your presentation, but it will be super casual, so nothing to worry about! If you'd like to have slides, please send them to: kcsoc.warwick.elections@gmail.com

Application Deadline and Results

Please fill in the application form by 11:59pm on Wednesday 6th March Please also make sure that you're available on election day on the 7th!

The aim of this election is to put together the best exec to take KCSOC into the next year, so please do apply! We can't wait to welcome you into the team!

Voting will take place in person on the day.




Why Apply?

If you have a vision of leading KCSOC to success, and are ready to make some serious progression in your spiritual life, then this is your opportunity. KCSOC will constantly engage you in weekly events that will require tremendous amounts of planning, organisation skills, time-management, and teamwork. Things never run smoothly, but it means you'll pick up invaluable skills overcoming those hurdles.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Oversees all of the society's exec, activities, promotion and more!
  • Point of contact for KCSOC National Team and Ambassador
  • A good role model of KCSOC



Why Apply?

If you're motivated to give our members the best possible experience then this is your opportunity. There are lots of things to sort out for our events to run smoothly and make sure our members have the best time possible, so you're the key to KCSOC success!

Roles and responsibilities

  • Support the president in their role
  • Contacting and building relationships with speakers
  • Running our main Thursday events
  • Organise any social and collab events
  • Stay on top of communication from the SU



Why Apply?

The Secretary is an essential role that acts as the key support for the entire society. Your logistical skills are needed for our smooth running and you would also be the coordinator with the Student Union, Chaplaincy etc - we have to make sure we're on top of any requirements they have so we can ask for their help or support when we need.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Booking rooms for events (must be done well in advance!)
  • Take feedback from our members and minutes during meetings whilst following up with relevant exec to make sure points are implemented
  • Manage and stock up inventory in our lockers
  • Stay on top of various admin like SU handover, memberships, society fairs, frep applications, SU & chaplaincy meetings, etc.
  • Help other exec with getting access to chaplaincy lockers and other facilities



Why Apply?

Although KCSOC says not to be attached to money, we still need it to help the society run and grow! The treasurer has the crucial role of looking after the society's finances. If you are the type of person who wants to get the maximum out of everything, then this is the role for you!

Roles and responsibilities

  • Keep track of all monetary movement e.g. spending on events, food shopping, and donations
  • Apply for any university funding which is available & expensing things through the SU
  • Organising transport for retreats (with the help of the President and KCSOC National Team)
  • Come up with exciting fund raising ideas if the society needs money!


Event Co-ordinator

Why Apply?

KCSOC is praised for being an approachable society that has a friendly, loving atmosphere and the event coordinators are essential in creating this! Your great public speaking skills will be needed to deliver key information as well as your natural warmth as you make sure unfamiliar faces feel welcome, as well as making sure the regular faces feel loved and cared for!

Roles and responsibilities

  • Being an approachable, friendly face, welcoming and talking to our members
  • Helping set up and run the Thursday events
  • MCing our events which includes:
    • Starting the session with an icebreaker
    • Introducing the speaker
    • Announcements at the end


Marketing Co-ordinator

Why Apply?

Our marketing on social media is the main way people know about out events, so this is a really vital role. You'll be in charge of maintaining our pages and engaging with the audience. It is a great way of spiritualising social media for both yourself and others!

Roles and responsibilities

  • Keep our socials engaging and up to date with event info and pictures
  • Design posters and write descriptions for our weekly events
  • Creating talk summaries and photo collages to post on our social media
  • Promoting flashship events and the retreat all over campus!
  • Send timely event reminders to all members
  • Keep our announcement slides and SU page up to date with the latest information

Apply Now

Important Info

  • Apply for 2 roles max. - you can choose your order of preference on the form
  • At the end of elections, if we have unfilled positions, we will offer the positions to those who have applied but didn't get their preferred positions
  • Deadline is Wednesday 6 March 23:59

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sagar, or fill in the form below.